Sponsor Prayer Flags to be Blessed and Raised on Vesak Day
This year, the full moon of the month of Vesak (June 14) is doubly blessed. Both His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trichen and His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin will be in residence at Tsechen Kunchab Ling on this very holy day, which commemorates the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana. You can sponsor prayer flags, with your name and virtuous aspirations, which His Holiness will consecrate, and the temple sangha will raise to the wind on Vesak morning, to carry your prayers around the world. Prayers flags are hand-made by the temple sangha using traditional wood-block printing techniques, and each sponsor's name and aspirations will be sewn on the flag. Please see the schedule below for additional Vesak Day activities.