Filtering by: “Dalai Lama”

Prayer Session & Gorshay | Tibetan Community Center

Prayer Session & Gorshay | Tibetan Community Center

སྔ་དྲོ་་ཕྱག་ཚོད། ༩ ནས་ཕྱ་དྲོ་ཕྱག་ཚོད། ༤ པ་བར་བོད་བསྟན་སྲིད་དང་༧ རྒྱལ་བའི་སྐུ་ཕྱའི་ཆེད་ཞབས་རིམ་གསོག་བསྒྲུབ་ཞུ་རྒྱུ།

9 AM- 4 PM: Prayer session for the well-being of His Holiness and the Tibetan Cause

དགོང་དྲོ་ཕྱག་ཚོད། ༥ པ་ནས ༧ བར་༧ སྒོར་གཞས་དགོང་དྲོ་ཞལ་ལག་བཞེས་ཐུག།

5 PM- 8 PM: Gorshay with hot Thenthuk for $10

བཅས་བོད་རིགས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་ཚོགས་པའི་ལས་ཁུངས་ནས་ཕྱི་ལོ་ ༢༠༢༣ ཟླ་བ་ ༣ ཚེས་ ༣༠ ཉིན

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Heruka Initiation - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
to Jul 9

Heruka Initiation - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness will confer the Heruka Initiation of the Luipa Tradition (dechok luipa wang) at the request of Gyudmey and Gyuto Tantric Colleges in Dharamsala at the Main Tibetan Temple (tsuglhakhang).

Scheduled as follows:

July 7th: 10:30 PM - 11:59 PM

Preliminary Initiation will take place

July 8th: 10:30 PM - 11:59 PM

Actual Initiation will take place.

July 9th: 10:30 PM - 11:59 PM

A long life prayer will be offered by Gyudmey and Gyuto Tantric Colleges.

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(POSTPONED!) The Application of Religion and Science to Ecology & Sustainability

(POSTPONED!) The Application of Religion and Science to Ecology & Sustainability

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will deliver the inaugural opening address of a 2-day international Islam Buddhism Eco Dialogue on The Application of Religion and Science to Ecology & Sustainability: Perspectives from Islam and Buddhism from 9 to 10 am (Indian Standard Time) organized by Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Center (Malaysia), International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization – International Islamic University Malaysia (ISTAC-IIUM), University of Malaya Center for Civilizational Dialogue (UMCCD), Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) and International Students of Islamic Psychology (ISIP).

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Tsongkhapa - Virtual Talk

Tsongkhapa - Virtual Talk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a teaching on Tsongkhapa's The Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum) and Tsongkhapa's Short Version of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim dhuedhon) from 9 am to 10 am (Indian Standard Time) at the request of Gaden Tri-thog Khang

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Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) Day 2 - Virtual Talk

Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) Day 2 - Virtual Talk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give two days of teachings on Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) for Theravada Sangha members from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Singapore followed by a question and answer session from approximately 8 am to 9 am (Indian Standard Time) at the request of Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives - Suan Mokkh Bangkok, Srivijaya State Buddhist Council of Tangerang-Banten Indonesia, Theravada Buddhist Council Malaysia, Sri Lanka Tibetan Buddhist Brotherhood Society, ASEAN Dhammaduta Project and Tibetan Buddhist Center Singapore.

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Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) Day 1 - Virtual Talk

Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) Day 1 - Virtual Talk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give two days of teachings on Maha Satipatthana Sutta (denpa nyer zhag ge do) for Theravada Sangha members from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Singapore followed by a question and answer session from approximately 8 am to 9 am (Indian Standard Time) at the request of Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives - Suan Mokkh Bangkok, Srivijaya State Buddhist Council of Tangerang-Banten Indonesia, Theravada Buddhist Council Malaysia, Sri Lanka Tibetan Buddhist Brotherhood Society, ASEAN Dhammaduta Project and Tibetan Buddhist Center Singapore.

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Compasion and Love - Virtual Talk

Compasion and Love - Virtual Talk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a talk on Compassion and Love followed by a question and answer session from 9 am to 10 am (Indian Standard Time) organized by the National Institute of Disaster Management, India. Those interested may watch the live webcast in Tibetan, English, Chinese and other languages on the official websites and Facebook pages of the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. People are requested to please follow their local social distancing rules while viewing the live webcast.

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Cultivating a Good Heart - Virtual Talk

Cultivating a Good Heart - Virtual Talk

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a talk on Cultivating a Good Heart followed by a question and answer session from 9 am to 10 am (Indian Standard Time) organized by the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan and Tibet House Japan. Those interested may watch the live webcast in Tibetan, English, Chinese and other languages on the official websites and Facebook pages of the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. People are requested to please follow their local social distancing rules while viewing the live webcast.

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