Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine | Men-Tsee-Khang Publication


In Tibetan society, health and disease are understood through a comprehensive system of healing known as gso-ba-Rig-pa, or the Science of Healing. This tradition is traditionally attributed to the Buddha, who is believed to have imparted its foundational teachings through the Medicine Buddha. The core principles of this system are extensively covered in the rGyud-zhi, or the Four Tantras, which encapsulate the essential aspects of these teachings.

This book, published by Men-Tsee-Khang, explains the principles of an ancient Tibetan Medical System according to rGyud-zhi.

Pages: 136

Publisher: Men-Tsee-Khang Publication

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In Tibetan society, health and disease are understood through a comprehensive system of healing known as gso-ba-Rig-pa, or the Science of Healing. This tradition is traditionally attributed to the Buddha, who is believed to have imparted its foundational teachings through the Medicine Buddha. The core principles of this system are extensively covered in the rGyud-zhi, or the Four Tantras, which encapsulate the essential aspects of these teachings.

This book, published by Men-Tsee-Khang, explains the principles of an ancient Tibetan Medical System according to rGyud-zhi.

Pages: 136

Publisher: Men-Tsee-Khang Publication

In Tibetan society, health and disease are understood through a comprehensive system of healing known as gso-ba-Rig-pa, or the Science of Healing. This tradition is traditionally attributed to the Buddha, who is believed to have imparted its foundational teachings through the Medicine Buddha. The core principles of this system are extensively covered in the rGyud-zhi, or the Four Tantras, which encapsulate the essential aspects of these teachings.

This book, published by Men-Tsee-Khang, explains the principles of an ancient Tibetan Medical System according to rGyud-zhi.

Pages: 136

Publisher: Men-Tsee-Khang Publication

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